Calculate Your 🥩 Age

The SteakAge Calculator™ measures how long would it take the average person to eat how much beef you have eaten in your life.

See how much beef you eat in comparison to the worldwide average of 85 pounds per year (or 3.7 ounces daily). Make your bloodline proud!

SteakAge Calculator™

SteakAge Calculator™

Cow Icon

  • Vegan Offset

    See how many vegans you offset with your eating habits – the more the better!

  • Steak Proficiency Level

    See how much steak you eat in comparison to the global average – or in other words, a great measure of if you are a normie.

  • The Final Say

    Do you and your best friend argue who has the best taste for steaks? Prove the victor with this calculator!

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Age Breakdown 📈

1-20 Years: Aspiring Heifer

You gotta try harder than that, young grasshopper. There's still plenty of steaks to eat!

21-40 Years: Young Bull

Not too shabby, you're on your way to becoming a steak master!

41-60 Years: Mature Grazer

You've been around the pasture a few times. Keep grazing, and the steaks will keep coming!

61-80 Years: Wise Old Cow

Ah, the wisdom of age and taste. You truly know how to savor the flavor!

80+ Years: Sage Bull

We bow down to you, master of the bulls! No steak is too big for you.